Netflix announced "Selena: The Series" will start streaming with Part 1 on December 4. The biographical drama will follow the coming-of-age story of Tejano queen, Selena Quintanilla. With Selena's sister Suzette as an executive producer, we'll hopefully get an honest look at the effect the rising fame had on their family.
The new trailer is already making me tear up. Christian Serratos is stunning as Selena. AND THE STAGE CLOTHES. We get quick glimpses of the high-waisted pants, bustiers and fringe the icon was known for.
Co-starring with Christian, the series cast includes Julio Macias, Gabriel Chavarria, Noemí Gonzalez, Ricardo Chavira, Madison Taylor Baez, Jesse Posey, and more. Part 1 of Selena: The Series will feature six hour-long episodes directed by Hiromi Kamata.