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Everyone has their rock solid deal breakers, like cheating. That's kind of obvious. BUT there are some things we think are red flags that are actually part of being in a healthy relationship.
I've been with my man for five years and I definitely thought some of these were problematic! Now, it makes more sense.
- Letting things go unresolved. Not every little problem is going to have a solution. Don't keep fighting, just let it go.
- Feeling attracted to other people. We're humans and we have hormones. Of course I'm attracted to Jeff Goldblum. That man is a damn fox. But would I ever act on that? Probs not. KIDDING I obviously love my man.
- Criticism. There's nothing wrong with healthy criticism to help each other grow.
- Keeping secrets, as long as they're minor. You don't have to tell them every teeny tiny detail. That's a little buts. Just don't keep BIG secrets.
- Having less sex. Ok this is a big one, especially if you're in a long term relationship. IT'S NORMAL. Life and stress can make you slow down or come to a full stop for a while. It doesn't mean you're doomed.