No, this is not a prank. You really are seeing someone trying to sell their classmates as slaves in 2017.
A male senior at Fleming Island High School posted this ad on Craigslist with the title "TWO SLAVES FOR SALE -$470." The "slaves" he's referring to are two black female classmates.
He expands on the post saying "Two healthy negro slavegals for sale. Good condition and hard work ethic! If you need another pair of hands around the farm/house, you're in luck!"
This is disgusting. I feel awful for the girls in the picture who have been disrespected in the most hateful way.
One of the girls in the picture is Skye Fefee, a senior at FIHS. She told First Coast News this post really upset her because it's not the first time something like this has happened at the school.
"I was really upset about it because Fleming Island is known for racial slurs. This school year someone wrote on the toilets... "whites only."
Doesn't that just make you sick? When are people gonna finally stop treating people of color like they're less than anybody else???
The Clay County School Board released a statement about the post:
Clay County District Schools was made aware of an inappropriate post on the internet last night. The Fleming Island High School administration immediately began to investigate this concern in order to identify the individual who posted this inappropriate picture. After launching an in-depth investigation, administrators have identified the student and will be taking actions as outlined in our Code of Student Conduct.
Since their initial statement, the school board said the student has been suspended and moved to an alternative school in Clay County.
I don't know if the student was white or black or if the post was supposed to be a joke but it doesn't matter. This wasn't and will never be funny.