Especially if you went straight into college after high school, graduating college might be a scary and confusing time. You've spent your whole life studying and dedicating a huge chunk of your time to education, and then one day you're... done?
Now, you should never stop learning and growing, but it's usually around that time that your life changes a little. It's time to find a career, especially something long-term that could grow into your future life!
Zippa, The Career Expert, analyzed data from Florida's Department of Labor and from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They looked over important factors like salary, location, job requirements, potential for growth, and other points of interest that recent college graduates reported as high-value to Zippa.
Here's the list:
1. Management Analysts
2. Web Developers
3. Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists
4. Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers
5. Credit Counselors
6. Cost Estimators
7. Insurance Sales Agents
8. Database Administrators
9. Computer Systems Analysts
10. Interior Designers
Hold on... management analyst? Really? That doesn't sound great at all, right?
Yes, really! totally did their homework, and they back up their claims in detail. Check out how exactly they picked out these 10 jobs in their full article.