Try This YouTube Yoga Video When You're Angry or Anxious at Home

I hope you still have your sanity while staying home more. If not, welcome to the qrazy quarantine qlub.

Everyone working from home is ruining my neighborhood's wifi strength and my patience. We have hard-timed deadlines in radio so imagine the toll that's taking on my anxiety when my connection is constantly dropping. I'm getting frustrated more easily and it sucks.

Luckily (and ironically), I'm home so I can step away for a quick yoga practice to take a mental break. My favorite YouTube yogi Adriene has a video called "Yoga For When You're Angry". She guides you through eight minutes of stretching and breathing to bring you back down from your Thanos-level rage.

Yesterday was really overwhelming for me. As soon as my head hit the mat for child's pose I started crying like a baby. And it felt good! Life is weird right now and I know this won't be the last time my mental health needs a reset.

Let yourself release those feelings, whatever they are. Try this practice solo or with a friend on FaceTime. We're gonna get through this together.

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